Publication :
1. "A study of Awareness, Attitude and Practices towards COVID-19 pandemic in the Teaching community: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH (Print ISSN: 2277-8179) 1st May, 2021. Index Medicus, PUBMED, Indian Citation Index (As per MCI new norms), Google Scholar, Ulrich, Impact Factor: 5.711, UGC Sr.No.49217 & An MCI Approved Journal.
2. “A Test for comparing two population having more increasing failure rate average property”: Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences, ISSN 0974-6803. Journal is indexed in Scopus, UGC.2021.
3.Book Chapter: “Women Empowerment and Education in India” Chapter No.32,Page no:125Women Empowerement a need of hour: Akshita Publication and Distributors, Delhi-110053
4.Under graduate Students towards Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemics: A cross-Sectional Study” International Journal of Research Culture Society (IJRCS), ISSN (online):2456-6683, Volume-6, Issue-09, SEPT-2022